Battle Against Corruption: finally a victory

As I’ve talked about in this blog before, corruption is systemic at Lovelock Correctional Center and I was a victim of that corruption. I have been battling against that corruption in the court system for the past few years. I don`t need to rehash everything here, so suffice to say I had to file a brief with the Ninth Circuit because the U.S. District Court dismissed all of my civil claims against Lovelock and NDOC (Nevada Department of Corrections). The Ninth Circuit just issued a judgement in my favor, stating that my rights were in fact violated and kicked it back down to the lower court for further proceedings. For anyone who wants to read the actual order, click below.

I`m going to be extremely busy with this over the next couple of months, so I may not be posting as frequently as before. Then again, I was a bit slow with my posts anyway, wasn’t I? It’s nice to see a little bit of justice from time to time. Persistence pays off. Never give up, never surrender.


Jeremy Strohmeyer v. K. Belanger

Court Filing & Paralegal Certificate

Hello again y’all. Nah, I don`t actually talk like that, but far be it from me to not use a fun colloquialism just for the hell of it. Today’s post is merely going to be a copy of a recent court filing, in case anyone’s curious to see what they look like. I have a lot yet to learn in the legal field, but like my dad taught me, you want to be constantly learning new things, and the pursuit of knowledge is one of the best pursuits there is. Hell, I guess I`ll have my gorgeous wifey post my paralegal certificate and transcript here, too, since that’s what I spent a lot of my time on the past year. A year’s-worth of work succinctly displayed in two pages. Crazy. Well, that’s all for now. Take care, and keep pursuing knowledge for knowledge’s sake.
